A lot of internet loving and opinions about where it is and where it’s headed at the FutureEverything festival in Manchester. The best presentation I heard was that of Bill Thompson, technology writer for BBC, titled And To Those Left Behind. He said that getting him (if anyone could force him, as not even a vacation can) offline is like “cutting off parts of my mind…”, arguing that with him, it’s a steady and constant stream of consciousness that affected when coming in contact with twitter, Facebook, blogs etc. I can agree with that, but in my opinion, there’s probably a needed presentation titled “To Those Trapped Within”. How many times have you worked with, or seen, people completely controlled by their gadgets?
Tag: manchester
This is a group of people starting to draw a ‘rich picture’ about where the internet is at, and where it’s headed. The twitter-parrot-dragon is the evil forces trying to control it. The freedom fighters to the right, joined or even led by The Pirate Bay have just declared war and are moving in to the rescue.